• Benefit periods up to 52 weeks
• Elimination periods as little as 0 days for an accident and 3 days for an illness
• Coverage up to 70% of income (to a $5,000/week maximum)
Individual Disability InsuranceIndividual disability insurance can be your only disability insurance policy (if your employer does not offer a group policy) or can act as supplemental disability insurance, which fills in the gap between your employer-sponsored plan and the amount you need to survive financially if you become disabled. It is important to think long-term and consider the potential devastating effects of losing your income.
• Provide Evidence of Good Health
The insurance carrier can decide whether to insure you. As a result, the insurance carrier can be picky with whom they offer coverage to. The good news is this allows the company to be more liberal with policy provisions, providing you with better policy definitions.
• Portable Policy
If you leave your employer, you can carry your individual policy with you and increase it as your income increases.
• Non-Cancelable
Coverage cannot be cancelled by the insurance carrier if you pay your premiums on time.
• Tax-Free
Benefits are usually tax-free income during disability if you pay with personal dollars.
• Protects Your Insurability
If you experience an adverse change in health, you can increase your individual / supplemental policy in the future without worrying about losing group benefits if you leave your employer.